1. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penawaran produk olahan daging buah pala dan pemasarannya di Lombok Tengah
Factors influencing the supply of processed nutmeg flesh products and their marketing in Central Lombok
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis penawaran manisan, dodol dan sirup daging buah pala serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, serta (2) menganalisis kinerja pemasaran produk tersebut. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif dan pengumpulan data dengan teknik survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total penawaran per proses produksi sebanyak 231,2 kg manisan; 173,2 kg dodol dan 169,9 liter sirup daging buah pala di Lombok Tengah. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penawaran manisan, dodol dan sirup daging buah pala adalah harga produk, biaya produksi. Sebanyak 75 % produsen memasarkan produknya langsung ke konsumen dan sisanya menggunakan jasa pedagang pengecer dengan margin pemasaran tertinggi dari sirup dan terendah dari dodol.
The aims this study: (1). to analyze the supply of candy, taffy and syrup made of flesh of nutmeg fruits as well as the factors influencing the supply; (2) to analyze the marketing performance of these products. A descriptive methodology and survey data collection were employed. The study found that the supply of candy, taffy and syrup were 231.2 kg; 173.2 kg and 169.9 liter per process, respectively. The factors influencing the supply of these products were price and production cost. The majority (75 %) of producers sold directly their products to final consumers. The remainder (25 %) used retailers to market their products. The highest marketing margin was found in syrup product while the lowest was in taffy product.