3. Apakah perubahan Excise Subsidy menjadi Cash Grant membantu petani kecil?

Whether or not the replacement of Excise Subsidy with Cash Grant benefits small farmers?

  • Anas Zaini Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram
Keywords: subsidi, bantuan langsung tunai, nilai tukar petani, excise subsidy, cash grant, farmer terms of trade



Pemberian subsidi BBM selama ini dianggap salah sasaran karena lebih banyak dinikmati kelompok masyarakat menengah ke atas. Oleh karena itu pemerintah menggantinya dengan memberikan bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) kepada rumahtangga miskin termasuk rumahtangga petani kecil dan melepaskan harga minyak dalam negeri mengikuti harga dunia. Dengan menggunakan indikator nilai tukar petani diperoleh hasil bahwa kebijakan tersebut bukan saja gagal mempertahankan status kemakmuran petani tetapi justru berakibat kontra produktif bagi upaya pemerintah mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan. Program pembangunan ekonomi yang sebelumnya menyebabkan nilai tukar petani menurun 2,23 % per tahun mengalami percepatan penurunan menjadi 13.5 % untuk rumahtangga petani dan 21,4 % untuk rumahtangga buruh tani setelah pemerintah mengganti kebijakan excise subsidy dengan BLT.



Subsidy on oils is assumed to reach wrong target since it is received mainly by middle and upper class of society. The government therefore replaced it with cash grant given to poor households including small farmers and freed the domestic price of oils to follow its counterpart world price. By utilizing farmer terms of trade as an indicator of welfare change it can be concluded that the replacement policy was not only fail to maintain the welfare of farmer but more than that it was also unproductive to the government’s efforts  in reducing poverty. Economic development program that caused farmer terms of trade to be down 2.23 % per year has experienced progressive decline to reach 13.5 % per year for farmer households and 21.4 % per year for farm labor households since the government replaced excise subsidy with cash grant.


Author Biography

Anas Zaini, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian – UNRAM
