Agroindustrialisation Strategy in Rural Area: A Case on the Agroindustrial Development of Cassava in the Rural of Lombok

  • Halil Halil Fakultas Pertanian Universiatas Mataram
Keywords: Budaya agroindustri, ubi kayu, agroindustri, agroindustrial culture, cassava,, agroindustry



Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil kajian empiris tentang strategi agroindustrialisasi di pedesaan. Penelitian difokuskan pada proses agroindustrialisasi di pedesaan dengan menggunakan agroindustri ubi kayu sebagai kasus. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengkaji proses agroindustrialisasi guna menyusun konsep strategi yang erfektif dalam mengembangkan agroindustri di pedesaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kaji tindak partisipatif jangka panjang dengan menggunakan pendekatan partisipasi masyarakat desa. Introduksi agroindustri dilaksanakan dengan memfasilitasi dan memberikan bantuan teknis kepada kelompok sasaran tentang prosedur pengolahan ubi kayu menjadi berbagai produk olahan bernilai ekonomi dan berdaya saing tinggi. Pengamatan difokuskan pada perkembangan kelompok sasaran dan proses adopsi teknologi oleh kelompok sasaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Agroindustrialisasi di pedesaan perlu proses dan memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama.  Pengembangan jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang sangat memerlukan dukungan pasar, modal, sarana dan prasarana transportasi, kemitraan, SDM agribisnis yang terampil, pemerintah, lembaga perbankan, lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan di perguruan tinggi serta dukungan partisipasi masyarakat. Oleh karena itu pengembangan agroindustri ke depan harus secara simultan dan memfokuskan perhatian pada aspek-aspek daya saing, kerakyatan, desentralisasi, dan berkesinambungan serta kelestarian lingkungan, serta fokus perhatian pada Sentra Pengembangan Agribisnis Komoditas Unggulan (SPAKU).



The overal goal of this article is to discuss broadly the result of an empirical study of agroindustrialisation strategy in the rural area. The research was focused on the agroindustrial process, and the agroindustrial development of cassava has been used as a case. The main objective of the study is to find out the most effective strategy to develop agroindustry in the rural area and change a traditional and subsistence attitude of rural community to a modern and commercial attitude. By using longitudinal participatory action research and applying a model of Rural Community Participatory Approach, processing technology of cassava was introduced to the rural community.

The target groups were facilitated and provided a technical assitanece to create a high economic value and competitive advantage of a variety of processed products of cassava in order to enhance their income. The agroindustrialisation takes time through a process to convince the member of rural community to adapt the innovation we deliver. Therefore, the development of agroindustry, whether short term or intermediate and long term needs supporting factors, including marketing strategies, capital, infrastructure facilities, partnership, natural resources, skilled human resources, government agencies, financial funding, research and development, as well as university involvement and community participation. Therefore, it is recommended that agroindustry enterprises have to be developed simultaneously in the future and focusing the attention on the following aspects, including competitive power, community, decentralization, sustainability and sustainable environment, as well as the center of agribusiness development for advantage commodities.

Author Biography

Halil Halil, Fakultas Pertanian Universiatas Mataram

Program Studi Agribisnis Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
